Un rustico a pochi metri dal mare

A typically Mediterranean spontaneous architecture

Un rustico a pochi metri dal mare
A cottage nearby the sea

A Ibiza, una vecchia casa di pescatori è stata restaurata da un noto pittore catalano, che ha ripristinato il vecchio
colore degli intonaci: grigio come i muri di pietra che la circondano.

In Ibiza, an old fishermen house has been restored by a renowned Catalan painter, who revived the original colour
of the plasters: grey like the grey-stone walls all around it.

Foto di: Roberto Summer

Quando questi interni erano abitati dai pescatori c’erano molti più oggetti, tra cui alcune immagini devozionali tipiche di chi ogni giorno gioca la sua vita con gli umori del mare. L’artista aveva altri punti di riferimento e all’interno, tranne i muri, tutto è cambiato. Ma non il forte celeste di cui gli isolani hanno sempre fatto largo uso.
C’è una stanza, la camera da letto principale, che ha pareti e soffitto blu intenso in cui compare, come una medusa gigante, un’impalpabile cortina bianca che dal soffitto si allarga sul letto per proteggerlo.
E’ un esempio di rustico marinaro a cavallo tra preesistenze ambientali e gusto della modernità.

The interiors are in three colours: white, brown and light blue. When these interiors were lived by fishermen, there were more objects, among which some devotional images typical of who plays with his own life every day against the moods of the sea. The artist had other references and, inside, everything has changed. But not the strong light-blue much used by the islander. There is one room, the main bedroom, with walls and ceiling of intense blue with, like a giant jellyfish, an intangible white veil spreading from the ceiling towards the roof, to protect it. It is an example of maritime cottage in between the preexisting environment and taste for modernity. The structure with bearing arches dates back to the XIV century and it was built with a mix of bricks, for the best-refinished parts, and stone for fillings.
Even if, most likely, originally the walls were plastered and decorated, now that decorations have disappeared and our taste has evolved towards rude materials, it is preferred to leave in sight all that once was plastered. Thus, remained visible the perspective sequence of the walls pierced by the arches with an XVIIIcentury effect known as vue d’optique.

Gli interni sono a tre colori: bianco, marrone e celeste

Such a scenography also hosts the furniture necessary to live in, chosen after the criteria of modernity, because such is the taste of the new owners, but also of simplicity and chromatic consistency, to adapt them to the XIV century surrounding. The result is an uncanny environment, warm like the colours and the materials, cordial and welcoming, in order not to overawe who enters for the first time. It is a furnishing intended to welcome many people (the area allows it), but also to isolate one’s self before in front of a warm fireplace. (see picture on the right).


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